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About Me


Namaste! My name is AsiRiana Rasa

(F.K.A Naseem Murakami) and I am an intuitive guide who

specializes in Shamanic healing work, holistic health &

wellness coaching.


My mission is to re-connect people with their true essence,

which will awaken them to fulfill their highest soul purpose

in their lives. I work with the Universal Life Force Energy

known as Reiki, Plant Medicine, Sound & Vibrational

Medicine for activations and healing.


My Story 

Growing up as a child, I was highly intuitive and spiritual

from a very young age with the gifts of clairvoyance and

clairaudience. After going through my intense spiritual

training as a wounded healer in the past 3 decades of my

life, 2 near death experiences, and multiple contacts from

the divine source, I was prompted to completely change the course of my life and embarked on a path to healing and awakening in service to others. I now dedicate all my works and creations to raise the vibrations of the people.


In 2018, I co-founded Healing Sound Alchemy on a mission to bring more awareness about Sound Healing.


My true life passion is in philanthropic mission and I'm currently working towards creating a wellness sanctuary: retreat & event space, conscious media production, holistic healing and education center that acts as an hub bringing communities together cultivating a self-sustainable intentional community that is in harmony with the nature's way and make it accessible to those economically challenged, such as foster care youth, veterans, children and women survivors of human traffic and domestic violence. I've launched a membership community called High Viber Earth Tribe to support this vision.


I have been a lifelong musician and an artist. My music is now dedicated to creating medicine songs for healing, ceremonies and uplifting our spirits. I produce meditation soundtracks to DJ for Ecstatic Dance. Check out my artist site at

© 2019 by Infinite Love Heals




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